Being Prepared: Practise Makes Perfect on Your Wedding Day

getting ready wedding photos in devon
getting ready wedding photos in devon

Your wedding day is one of the most memorable days of your life and the lead up can be quite stressful, so being prepared well in advance and educating those involved in the day will make it go off seamlessly!

You've spent months planning and preparing every detail to make sure everything is perfect. But, one small detail that is often overlooked is making sure the bridal party knows how to properly wear their outfits and accessories.

Many people believe they can learn how to tie a tie or fold a pocket square from watching a YouTube tutorial on the morning of their wedding day.

Please do not do this!

I see this countless time at weddings and often I'm asked to help out! Use the lead up to your day to learn how to wear your outfit, practise so on the day it’s easy and enjoyable. The last thing you want is to feel rushed, flustered, and unprepared on your big day.

getting ready wedding photos in devon
getting ready wedding photos in devon

For a lot of people it can be the first time they've ever worn a suit or a formal dress. So understanding how to wear it and why - will make your life so much easier. Try to practice a few times before the wedding day to ensure everything looks perfect and polished.

Whether it's learning how to tie a Windsor tie or a bow tie, folding a pocket square or how your dress comes together - practice makes perfect.

For ladies, it's important to try on your outfit with your shoes and walk around at home, sit down, and get used to it.

Some dresses have extra layers, and it's important to know how to pull them down to make everything look seamless.

If you're wearing a corset underneath your dress, make sure you and the person helping knows how to tie it properly to avoid any last-minute panic.

Know how it would feel kicking out your dress in front so you don’t trip.

How to hoist it slightly when sitting down.

Practise with your bridal party how your veil should sit on your dress at the aisle and how to take it out later in the day.

And finally, for when you are on your own or posing for a photo, know how to handle your dress and veil without having to bend down - there’s a trick and it’s being confident with it! Dresses can be quite fitted, so knowing how to adjust it without the fear of ripping it is well worth the practise.

getting ready wedding photos in devon

Learn how to pin a buttonhole and which side it goes on, or designate someone in the bridal party to help with this task. There's nothing worse than trying to find a safety pin on your wedding day or realising you pinned the buttonhole on the wrong side.

Traditionally - Men on the left. Women on the right.

So please remember, don't leave anything to chance on your wedding day. Being prepared and practicing beforehand will help you feel confident, comfortable, and ready to enjoy your special day.

Remember, YouTube tutorials are great for learning new skills BEFORE the wedding, but when it comes to your wedding day have the knowledge ready so you can enjoy getting dressed with confidence.

Wear the clothes, don't let the clothes wear you!


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